Category: Eyes

Pros And Cons Of LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK eye surgery is a popular elective surgery that offers the potential for improved vision without the need for glasses or contacts. However, like any medical procedure, there are pros and cons to consider.

Improved Vision

One of the main benefits of LASIK eye surgery is that it can improve your vision by removing some of the blurriness caused by nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. It can also help reduce glare when you’re driving at night or in other situations where lighting is poor. There are many types of refractive errors that can be corrected with this procedure.

Quick And Painless Procedure

LASIK eye surgery is a popular elective surgery that offers the potential for improved vision without the need for glasses or contacts. However, like any medical procedure, there are pros and cons to consider.

The pros of LASIK eye surgery are quick and painless, with most patients experiencing little to no discomfort during the procedure. The procedure itself takes only about 10 minutes per eye and does not require general anesthesia, so you can be back at work or school in just days after your procedure.

Dry Or Irritated Eyes

One of the most common side effects of LASIK surgery is dry and irritated eyes. This can be uncomfortable and may require medication to manage. The symptoms are typically mild and resolve within a few days after the procedure.

In general, it’s best to avoid rubbing your eyes, which can further aggravate the symptoms of post-LASIK dryness. While some eye drops can help with discomfort, they don’t address the underlying cause of the problem—the corneal flap that has been created by the procedure. This flap needs time to heal before your eyes return to normal levels of lubrication and moisture.

Risks And Complications

There are risks and complications associated with LASIK surgery. Your doctor will discuss these with you, as well as the benefits of the procedure, before your surgery.

Some of the more common complications include dry eyes, glare or halos around lights, night vision problems, and infection. A rare complication is an eyelid droop called ectropion.

It is important to note that not all patients experience these side effects and some may not even have any noticeable side effects at all.


The pros and cons of LASIK eye surgery have been covered here in a general sense, but every patient is different and your own experience is sure to vary considerably. Be sure to consult a doctor and get a second (or third, or fourth) opinion before you commit to anything.

What Is SMILE Eye Surgery, And How Does It Compare To LASIK?

SMILE eye surgery is the newest form of refractive surgery, and it’s a direct competitor to LASIK. While the two procedures have similar results, they’re different methods of achieving those results. Here’s what you need to know about SMILE:

Both Procedures Can Treat Nearsightedness, Farsightedness And Astigmatism

The difference? SMILE uses a different type of laser to reshape your eye’s cornea.

LASIK creates a flap in your cornea using an excimer laser, which is then folded back to reveal the underlying stroma (a clear tissue). This flap allows surgeons to manipulate the shape of your eye’s surface with another surgical tool called an instrument used during cataract surgery; it also protects healthy tissue from being damaged by exposure to air when making incisions on top of it.

In contrast, SMILE eye surgery uses femtosecond lasers–which are extremely short pulses of light–to create multiple tiny incisions in order to lift off pieces of stroma without cutting through them completely or creating any flaps at all!

The Biggest Difference Between LASIK And SMILE Is How They Cut The Cornea

LASIK uses a laser to reshape your cornea, while SMILE uses a microkeratome blade that cuts out a flap of tissue from the top layer of your eye (the epithelium). The flap is then folded back so that surgeons can access deeper layers of tissue without damaging them. This process allows them to create more accurate corrections than with traditional LASIK procedures, which often require multiple steps and additional tools like microscopes or scalpels to make sure everything looks good before removing any excess skin at the end of surgery.

How Long The Procedure Takes

Another difference between LASIK and SMILE eye surgery is how long the procedure takes. While both procedures are done under local anesthesia, SMILE surgery does not require a blade to cut through corneal tissue, so it’s often completed faster than LASIK.

While some patients will get their vision corrected in as little as 10 minutes, others may need more time depending on their individual needs and medical history. Typically speaking, though–and assuming you’re healthy enough to undergo this type of eye surgery–you should expect your visit to last anywhere between 15-30 minutes at most!


If you’re thinking about getting LASIK, you should look into SMILE as well. While the two procedures are similar, they have their own individual strengths and weaknesses. Of course, actual results and patient experience will vary from person to person.

The Many Benefits Of Implantable Contact Lenses

As we age, our eyesight can start to falter. One of the most popular solutions is contact lenses, but that’s not the only option. Implantable lenses are another way to get clear vision without glasses or contacts. Here’s a look at why they’re so popular among older adults.

ICL eye surgery (ICL – implantable collamer lens or implantable contact lens) is a procedure that involves the insertion of a special lens into the eye to correct vision problems such as nearsightedness or astigmatism. This innovative surgery offers a safe and effective solution for individuals seeking long-term vision improvement without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

They’re More Convenient

Contacts are easier to put on and take off than glasses. You don’t have to remove them every time you sleep or shower, which means they’re more convenient in a lot of ways. They’re also more hygienic since they don’t touch your eyes directly like regular glasses do; this also helps prevent eye infections like conjunctivitis (pink eye).

The contact lens itself is made out of soft plastic that’s comfortable against your cornea and doesn’t cause irritation or redness around the eye area like some rigid materials may do when worn for long periods of time or overnight sleeping sessions! You’ll never have those annoying moments where your contact falls out while doing sports activities either because these lenses are much more stable than regular glasses can ever hope to be!

You’ll Be Able To Swim With Them In

The implantable contact lenses are safe to use in water. You can go swimming and scuba diving with them on, but keep in mind that they will not be able to protect your eyes from chemicals or bacteria in the water.

If you need glasses for reading or close-up work, it’s better to wear them while swimming instead of putting on contacts. You may also want to avoid wearing contacts while bathing or showering if they aren’t waterproof–it would be best if you just removed them before getting wet!

They Don’t Need To Be Removed When You Sleep

The implantable contact lenses are an excellent option for those with vision problems who want to avoid wearing glasses. They can be worn in many situations where traditional glasses would not be appropriate, such as during sports or while swimming.

You don’t have to remove them when you go to sleep at night either! You may also choose to wear your implantable lenses during showering, bathing and swimming if you so desire.

Drops For Dry Eyes Aren’t Necessary Anymore

If you’re in the market for a pair of contact lenses and have been told that you need to use drops for dry eyes, think again. While it’s true that some people may benefit from them, they can also cause damage to your cornea and make it more inflamed. Implantable lenses offer an alternative solution–they don’t require any special maintenance or care beyond normal cleaning once they’re in place.